Simply Do
I see these beautiful moms on IG, with their beautiful children, their beautiful homes, and their beautiful IG page. Haha. I am in no way making fun or criticizing these moms, I actually admire them. They are everyday mommies like us, but they had the courage to DO something.
I like to consider myself the D.I.Y. mom. If I can save money and do it myself, then HECK! Ima do it! Lately though, I have had to D.I.Y. myself. I know that sounds odd, but stay with me. Money has been very tight in our home, but lets save that for a later day, I’ve had to find ways to make things work and one of those things has been my self care. My daughters are priority, so their needs are always going to come before mine. Most moms understand this, that is why we see tons of moms with fabulous looking children, and mommy in a bun, some makeup, and gym clothes. The things we do for our kids, right?
I like to say I D.I.Y. myself because, I literally do it myself. I pluck and cut my brows, to make sure they stay on fleek. I give myself a bang cut, in between actual cuts, because ain’t nobody got a budget to get their hair trimmed once a month. And I know that this is the worse thing you can do for your hair, but box dye is so cheap! But I promised my hairdresser friend I would never do that again. Thank God for friends, she said she would hook it up with a deal when the time comes!! Now my wardrobe, the dreaded wardrobe. Every time I step into my closet I swear I have no clothes, and I haven’t shopped for myself in like a year, so I’ve had to reinvent/repurpose my clothes to make it work. It all pays off, on the days I actually do my make up, hair, and get dressed.
Now when I see these moms on IG looking seriously gorgeous, my first feeling is always envy. That is just me being honest, I look at them in their beautiful clothes, with their eyebrows on fleek, and with the latest accessories and think to myself, “How the heck do they look that fabulous, have so many kids, a job, a husband to take care of, and take beautiful pictures to post on IG?” Or something along those lines. Most days I have no make up, the house is a mess, and I forget to post on my small shop IG page, let alone my own personal IG. But that’s the difference between those moms and I, they just DO. When everything is against them, they find a way to DO.
This year I have made it a goal to just DO, that is why I created a blog. This blog was a dream I’ve had on my heart, and it won’t just happen magically, I have to DO. As moms sometimes we loose motivation in pursuing the things on our heart. Our world becomes our kids and we loose ourselves in being a mom, but that isn’t what life is about. There is a reason we dream and have things put on our heart, because it gives us purpose. Yes, raising our kids and giving them everything they need in order for them to one day pursue their dreams is so important, but when did that allow us as moms to stop dreaming? We woman are capable of doing it all, we have the courage, strength, and ability to accomplish anything we put our mind to. It may not all happen at once, but we have to start somewhere. We just have to keep working towards our goal, and it all starts by simply DOing.
Real moms rock.
I completely understand where you’re coming from. Just so you know make up or not you’re Beautiful 😍. Looking at your daughters is a great reminder. I feel the envy more when I see Mommies married and happy with the father of their children. It hurts I did my best to keep my family together. But, I couldn’t do it on my own. Or stay in a relationship that involved so much verbal abuse, cheating and lies. I can’t wait to see more that comes from your blog. I’m at a point in my life where I’m seeking positivity. I believe your blog as already helped. Thank you! 😊💕
I love what you said about just DO. I too can get wrapped up in the envious thoughts of others on social media.
I am inspired by these women who have successfully monetized their social media presence.
It’s so hard to not compare yourself to others on social media! But you keep doing you!
I love the idea of DIY yourself. I NEED to do this.
Oh my goodness. It’s as if I had written this myself. This is so me!!! And oh man I cut my bangs the other day because I thought it would mean I could hold out on paying for a haircut but I really messed up! Now I’m too embarrassed to go to the hairdressers to get it fixed!! Such a great read THANKS!
Awww…. Loving it! And we need more blogs like this. I wish more blessing to come your way!
Ophalyn @letmommybe
Sandy, you are the best! I love all of your DIY and think it is such an amazing way to save money. And what a blessing it is for your family that you are sacrificing your wants for their needs – and still looking FAB! I always look in my closet and see nothing to wear lol it’s hard being a girl! But I heard of a free app where you load your closet into the app and it gives you knew ways to style your wardrobe every day. How awesome! I’ll get back to you with the name – or I’m sure you can search it in the app store. I used to wear a lot of accessories before having Luke; now I wear almost none. I just don’t have time and don’t feel the need to spend money on it. Sometimes this is God’s reminder that he only wants our hearts and the rest is not important to Him. If it means anything, I think you have it all together and are a gorgeous, put-together mama! Keep doing what you’re doin’, babe!